[Check Result] Degree 1st Year Result 2023 by www.nu.ac.bd
NU Degree 1st Year Result 2023 With Marksheet

Degree 1st Year Result 2023 by www.nu.ac.bd – Results of National University Degree First Year Examination 2023 have been published. The results were released on 16 May 2023 from the official website of the National University nu.ac.bd. Good news for those of you who have been waiting for the results of the first year of the degree for so long.
From now on, you can check the results of the first year examination of the degree by entering the website of the National University online. The results of the first year examination of the degree will be available along with the marksheet by entering the National University website after 8 pm.
Today post is very important for those of you who are looking for the results of the first year of the degree because you can know the results from here.
Degree 1st Year Result 2023
The results were released today, three months after the National University degree first year exams ended. The results of any National University examination are published within three months of the end of the examination. The results of the degree pass candidates of 2023 have been published. You can check the results of any degree course from our website.
National University is one of the largest universities in Bangladesh. In 2023, about 4 lakh students participated in the first year degree examination under the National University. After a long three months, today the results of the first year of the degree are published from the website of the National University. If you have participated in the first year degree examination then you must check the results from here.
NU Degree 1st year result 2023
The results of the first year examination of degree pass and certificate of 2023 have been published today. On May 18, the National University Committee released the results from their official website.
1 lakh 71 thousand students participated in the first year examination of degree under 2023 under the National University. Among them 1 lakh 49 thousand 600 students have passed the degree first year examination. The pass rate in the first year degree examination of 2023 is 89.94%.
For those of you who are looking for the first year degree results, I would say that you have come to the right website. From here you can check the results of the first year degree examination. Below is the link to check the results of the first year degree examination.
Degree 1st Year Result 2023 With Marksheet
Degree 1st Year Result Online – www.nu.ac.bd
if you want to contact the degree 1st year exam, you must enter the website www.nu.edu.bd. Below is how to check the results of the 1st year examination of the degree by entering the website of the National University.
- At First Go To Nu Official Website:- nu.edu.bd/results
- Then Click on The Degree Option
- Then Click on 1st Year button
- Type Your Roll Number & Registration Number
- At Last, Click Search Result button
Degree 1st year result with marksheet
The results of the first year examination at the National University were published on 16 May. Degree first year results with marksheets will be available from their official website after 8pm. Discuss in detail how to get the marksheet of degree first year examination results. We hope you can easily find out the results of the first year degree examination from our website.