Download HSC Exam Result 2023 with Marksheet
Rules for Downloading HSC Exam Result 2023 with Marksheet

Assalamu Alaikum check the rules to download any education board HSC exam result 2023 with marksheet in this report. Dear students today 26 November at 11 am HSC exam results of all education boards of the country have been published. After the release of the result students now want to know how to download the marksheet. Basically considering all the students, we are adding HSC result method of any education board of the country as well as official website ( link in this report.
We hope that by adopting our methods, you can check the HSC result of any education board and also download the marksheet from home. So without further delay HSC exam result with marksheet can be seen how to see its pictorial and detailed description here.
HSC Exam Result 2023 with Marksheet
Today, Sunday, November 26, at 11 am, Education Minister Dipu Moni officially announced the results of the HSC examination of all the education boards of the country from the International Mother Language Conference Hall. All the students who have participated in the HSC exam can check their result online and by sending SMS to their mobile with their exam details. Many people may see the result GPA grade points online but don’t know how to view or download the result along with the marksheet.
Viewing and downloading the HSC Result Marksheet is not a very easy task for many. So today we are telling you how to download HSC Result Marksheet. HSC exam marksheets for all subjects and papers can be downloaded online by visiting the website But if you don’t know how to access this website and how to download HSC marksheet then know from below.
HSC Exam Marksheet Download link
On the day of publication of HSC results, almost hundreds of thousands of people, including students and their parents, search for the results on the website. If you enter the official website at the same time, sometimes the server goes down. In that case the students failed to see the results.
You will not be able to view the marksheet or result from anywhere other than the website mentioned by the Ministry of Education. So you must know the correct rules in that case from which site and how to download the result marksheet. How to download HSC Result 2023 Marksheet is given below. Hope you can download the marksheet from here.
All the education boards which released the result along with the marksheet are:
- Dhaka Education Board
- Chittagong Education Board
- Comilla Board of Education
- Dinajpur Education Board
- Rajshahi Education Board
- Barisal Education Board
- Jessore Education Board
- Sylhet Education Board
- Mymensingh Board of Education
- Madrasa Education Board
- Board of Technical Education
Rules for Viewing HSC Exam Result with Marksheet:
Those of you who want to download the HSC exam marksheet, to download the HSC exam marksheet, you have to browse this address of the result archive of the education board. For the convenience of all of you, we have published the HSC Marksheet download link here. If you click on this link, a site called Web Baset Result Publication System for Education Board will open as shown in the image below, from there you can download the marksheet by providing HSC exam information.
- Login to website prescribed by Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
- The exam name should be selected as HSC
- Exam year 2023 must be selected
- The exam board name should be selected correctly
- Click on Result Type option and select Individual Result
- The roll number of the student should be correct
- Student’s registration number must be entered correctly
- The four numbers shown in the picture should be left blank
- Click on get result and the result will come