Hanif Paribahan Counter Phone Number, Ticket Price, Online Ticket Booking System
Hanif Transport Bus Schedule

HANIF TRANSPORT COUNTER PHONE NUMBER, TICKET PRICE, ONLINE TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM -We see hundreds of buses plying on the road every day. Among these buses, Hanif Paribahan is one of the buses.
Hanif Paribahan is the only government bus in Bangladesh. Today we are going to discuss about Hanif Paribahan counter address ticket price how to book tickets online etc. Hanif Paribahan is second to none to make your journey auspicious and comfortable.
Hanif Transport will ensure you a comfortable journey and give you a pleasant journey. To reach your specific destination, come to Hanif Paribahan, you can collect your ticket and all other information through our text. We see thousands of buses plying on the roads of our country. One of them is Hanif Paribahan. We are going to talk about this today.
Hanif Transport Bus Schedule
Hanif Paribahan branch offices are open in every district of our country. We see hundreds of these buses on the road every day. Hanif Transport buses make your journey comfortable. Hanif Paribahan is expected to be the first among the buses in Bangladesh.
So to reach your specific destination, we have some idea about when Hanif Paribahan bus will arrive. It starts from 9 am and continues till 7 pm. At what time Hanif Paribahan bus service is launched every day seven days a week.
Now everyone will reach their destination. For this, you will need a bus and Hanif Paribahan will provide you comfortable bus facilities, so get on the Hanif Paribahan bus at least once and notice their usage.
- বিআরটিসি বাসের কাউন্টার নাম্বার, ঠিকানা, টিকিট মূল্য ও অনলাইন টিকিট বুকিং সিস্টেম
- শ্যামলী পরিবহন বাসের সময়সূচী, অনলাইন টিকিট ও ভাড়া তালিকা 2022 – Shyamoli Paribahan Online Tacket
Hanif Paribahan bus ticket price
Hanif Paribahan generally operates both AC and Non AC services at present. So you can travel according to your choice. Below we have given some notable places names and rental rates
Dhaka to Chittagong
Non AC: Tk.430
AC: Up to Rs 900-1100.
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar
Non AC: 700 Tk
800 Tk
AC: Rs.1400
AC: 2000 Tk.
Dhaka Sylhet :- Non AC: 450 Tk
Dhaka to Rajshahi :-
Non AC: 600 Tk
Dhaka to Natore
Non AC: 600 Tk
Dhaka to Rangpur
Non AC: 500 Tk
Dhaka to Khulna
Non AC: 500 Tk
The authority of Hanif Paribahan has decided the fare amount separately for each such place.
হানিফ পরিবহন ভাড়া তালিকা দেখুন
Head office of Hanif Paribahan and their address
Upazila branch offices are seen in every district of Hanif Paribahan, which is so popular at present. You don’t have to do much you can collect certain amount of information from their branch office in almost every district.
- 167/22, Inner Circular Road, Arambagh, Dhaka.
- Mobile Number: 01713-402671, 01713-402631.
- It is located in the center of Bangladesh.
You can collect any kind of information about Hanif Paribahan from here. When and where does it operate on which route? When to start? You can collect all kinds of information from the main office.
- এনা পরিবহন টিকিট কাউন্টার নাম্বার, টিকিট কাউন্টার ঠিকানা ও অনলাইন টিকেট বুকিং
- ন্যাশনাল ট্রাভেলস সকল টিকেট কাউন্টার মোবাইল নাম্বার | ন্যাশনাল ট্রাভেলস অনলাইন টিকেট, লোকেশন, রুটম্যাপ ও অন্যান্য
Hanif Hanif Paribahan bus online ticket booking system
Hanif Paribahan has become so popular that you can now book Hanif Paribahan tickets for any time from the comfort of your home. You don’t have to stand in line for hours and it will save you time and effort. Today we will show how you can book Hanif Paribahan bus tickets online and pay online and schedule everything online. You can collect all types of stationary and all types of products online
- To buy tickets first you need to login to sohoj.com website
- From there provide your required information.
- Decide which date and where to go
- Figure out how you might like to travel.
- In the next step you will pay the money and you will be confirmed with an online copy.
We have helped you with all kinds of information about Hanif Paribahan Bus. If you want to travel then visit once. Inshallah you will be able to reach your destination very comfortably.
Through the above discussion, we have arranged to purchase from both online and offline channels, you can purchase tickets from any of the channels. There are bus branches of Hanif Paribahan in every district-upazila of Bangladesh, you can contact any branch from here and get all the information.